As part of the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme, small business can claim up to £3,000 against the cost of full fibre connection. This can either be individually or as part of a group project. Residents can also benefit from this scheme as part of a group project and can claim a voucher of £500.

The Gigabit Voucher Scheme is worth £67 million and supports business with cost of installing full fibre broadband connections directly for the fastest and most reliable gigabit-capable broadband speeds available. Businesses will benefit from this in the future as one gigabit is the same as 1,000 megabits which is a big leap forward in connection speeds.

The scheme is only accessible through broadband service providers who have registered.

There are two easy steps to follow to apply for the scheme using the link provided:

  1. check whether your business/community is eligible for a voucher
  2. then check whether there are registered suppliers in the area using the postcode search. (Businesses/community groups can also talk to existing suppliers to see if they are participating in the scheme)

For more information on the scheme or to apply for the voucher, please follow the link below: